Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter weekend

So our easter weekend started a little early. Easter weekend every year is Norwescon. This year was Bell Book and Dragon. Now Urrson is a huge dragon fan. So of course we wanted to make this a tradition every year.

So this year I took off Friday for the con. I got home thursday getting ready for the convention and figured that it is not a good idea to go thursday night. A little known fact about Norwescon is that this convention runs from Thursday afternoon until Sunday night. It is a convention of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Something that both Urrson and Myself are into. They always run it Easter weekend.

So we wanted to go that friday but we had a few errands to run before that. Urrson was sick, and didn't feel good on that friday, after searching for a half hour for a parking spot we decided that it was a good idea to just go home.

We decided that we would get up early on Saturday and go to the con. We left the house at 7am. We found a parking spot way down the pac hwy strip. Mind you this convention is near the Sea Tac Airport. So after finding said parking spot.. and fighting with the valet parking, (We don't like to valet our car) we decided that there was no where else to go.. and so we parked. We got out of the car and then promptly walked to the con.

We got there and needed breakfast, something about urrson being a diabetic. (Who knew??) So we ate breakfast... $30 !?!?!? I couldn't believe we spent that just for breakfast. Either way we then went go pick up our registration. We obtained my Reg packet but the other packet was not there.. we have to go up to the guest of Pro section. The Green room to get his badge. (I guess one year he was with a pro.)

We then walked around the dealer's hall to see if we could find a few purchases. We did find a few things. We then roamed the art hall. I bid on a piece of art and got it. Other than that we did go to a few panels ate lunch, then a few more panels then the masquarde ect ect ect.

Over all we spent 16 hrs at the con on sat. We did not get home until 2am. We got home and the promply fell asleep. We then got up early to go pick up my art piece. I was very happy. We then said bye to a few friends then we went to a movie. "Horton Hears a Who." Intresting movie Definately a kids movie though.

Other than that .. that was our weekend. I really wish I would have had a good camera but.. yet still I don't have one to my name. Eventually we will get one.
Well off I run now.
Laters >^.^*<

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Girl you need to get a camera, I want to see your art. Have you hung it up? I am about to make some new furniture purchases and Im so excited. I cant wait to move things around and have a little change. I like change. Okay not all change but some.