Thursday, November 13, 2008

Falls are painful!!!

So I have concluded that falls are painful!! So let me set the scene shall I?
It was our Wednesday night game and we were wrapping up and getting ready to go home. We noticed that one of our friends left her purse at the house we were playing at, so we called her and said that it was there. She turned around and came back for it. So she had fell just a few min prior but only to her knee. So she was fine but I didn't want her to fall again. So I ran into the house to grab her purse and then promtly Walk/Run it to her. I slipped and fell into the mud on my but and heard a "Crack, Crack, Crack" and I couldn't move. My ankle hurt so bad I was afraid to move it. I had my husband and a friend help me into the car and off we went home to put the cousin -in - law home and call the urgent care nurse to see what we should do. So their resolution was to go to the hospital and have it checked out.
This mind you is my first real memory of ever going to a hospital, it was a scary thought. We went and parked the car, the ankle was down to a dull roar and was able to move it kind of but it still hurt. We spent a total of only 1.5 ish hours in the hospital. That was it. I was very happy with the care that I got. The final deduction was that I had sprained the ankle bad, to the point where they gave me drugs , a brace, and crutches.
Let me tell you re-learning the cutches is a pain. but if I can't put weight on the foot then well you kinda have to learn fast. Well I am gonna go put the foot up and try to relax and maybe convince the cousin -in- law to get me some water.
Will keep you posted if it becomes worse.

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

I hope your ankle gets better soon and watch out for that mud.