Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolution

Well it is that time of year again where you all make New Year's Resolutions. This year I am going to attempt to make these New Year's Resolutions. (I wonder what I should do for this year). Well here they are in no particular order.

Goal #1. Get in shape
I plan on hitting the gym at least 3 times a week. That includes Yoga, Weight lifting, Walking/Running, and eating right. With the wedding coming so close, I have gained a lot of weight back and then some. It is wrong, just wrong.

Goal #2 Get finaically stable/ Fix credit
Make a budget and stick to it. Cut our losses, and just minimize what we spend on a month to month basis. Also with this I plan to fix my credit. I want to go to a credit councelling place to get help. I know that this is the year to fix that credit or at least get on the road to recovery.

Goal #3 Go somewhere in the company /Move to another company
I want to either move up in the coroporate world or move out. I have been with this company for going on Three years. I don't think I make enough to even make ends meet by myself. Which is a passion that I have had for years.

Goal #4 Get organized
You all hear the proveribal get organized. Well if you see my desk, bedroom, and other clutter area's in the house, you would then understand. I also want to get to the point where we save all reciepts for taxes ect but that also may have to wait until #2 is on its path.

Well now that I have those 4 goals in line. Maybe I can actually achieve them. Well here is to a new year and hopefully 2008 brings great new things. With love. >^.^<


3HappyHippies said...

One of the biggest and best things this year is your wedding, just around the corner. I got your announcement/invite, they are adorable. You did good, very good.

I think those are resonable and attainable New Years resolutions. I have kept mine a lot simpler, I just want to lose weight and be healthy. Health, this year is all about health.

You should do monthly updates on where you have gotten on your resolutions to keep them fresh and focused.

3HappyHippies said...

Your big day is just around the corner. I hope its awesome. I expect pictures and a full recap here. Right here, on this blog. Trust me you will cherish it forever.